Socially Distanced Birding Challenge
Since we can't get together for field trips this year, we are going to have a state-wide Big Day! We have challenged other Audubon Chapters throughout the state to a 24 hour birding challenge. Members and friends of each chapter can submit sightings from their own home county to our Facebook page or to info@daytonaudubon.org (or the contact information for whatever chapter they belong to). We will compile all the sightings to count the number of species each chapter can find in a day. The chapter with the highest number of species wins! Can you help us claim bragging rights?
Here are the rules:
1. All participants must maintain social distancing protocols. We suggest birding your backyard first and foremost. If your backyard is not great bird habitat or just too small, you can bird green spaces close by. Please do not bird in groups larger than 1 or 2 people (unless they all belong to same household). We suggest wearing a mask if you go into public, and if a park has a lot of cars in the parking lot, please find a new place to bird.
2.You must remain in your home county for submissions to count. This means the county you live in. Please include the location of your sightings with your list.
3. Only submit sightings between 5pm Friday and 5pm Saturday. This means to the minute!
4. As usual in birding, we are using the honor system for reported sightings. So you don't have to have a photo for the bird to count. But, if you aren't certain of an identification, don't submit it without a photo for confirmation. Also, please submit photos for any far out of range sightings. Think eBird rules.
5. Submit sightings to the Audubon Chapter you belong to or is closest to your home county if you are not a member of a chapter.
6. Submissions must be in to your chapter by 8pm Saturday May 2. Chapters must submit compiled lists to the Facebook event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/819643675197659/) by 8pm Sunday May 3.
7. Have fun! We look forward to a day of birding and socially distant connection.