The Das Mission
The Dayton Audubon Society, a chapter of the National Audubon Society, has targeted environmental education as a chapter priority since its earliest days in 1923. Whether it be learning techniques of bird identification on local walks or underwriting elementary classrooms for Audubon Adventures, DAS has consistently prioritized education of students and adults alike as a chapter goal.
As part of that goal, Dayton Audubon offers scholarships to worthy students and educators who are striving to further their own education in environmental issues. Scholarships are targeted for applicants from Dayton Audubon's geographical membership area.
Charlie Breish Memorial Camp Scholarships
National Audubon has reopened its Hog Island ecology camp, so Dayton Audubon is again offering financial assistance for teachers and other adults to attend the summer workshops off the coast of Maine.
While the workshops are open to everyone, they are still especially popular with teachers. If you know of a dynamic elementary or secondary teacher who would benefit from this outstanding outdoor education camp, let us know about them!
Workshop and Camp Scholarships
Many wonderful environmental camps and workshops are offered year round, with some of the finest offered every summer by the National Audubon Society.
Dayton Audubon partially underwrites the tuition for these programs. While teachers are the most frequent recipients, students have been awarded funds as well.
The NAS catalog, Audubon Ecology Camps and Workshops
is published annually. The offerings include week-long adult camps in Connecticut, Maine, and Wyoming, as well as youth camps in Maine and Vermont. Be sure to pick up a current catalog, available either through Dayton Audubon Society or the Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm.
The number of awards varies from year to year depending on budget availability, but normally more than one is given.
The Dick Dively Scholarship
This scholarship, begun in 1982, is designed to help college students (undergraduate or graduate) with a demonstrated interest in the environment and/or the natural sciences. The interested student must be registered in a technical school, a two or four year college, or a graduate school.
The Dively Scholarship may be worth as much as $1500, payable over a two year period. To remain eligible, the scholarship recipient must show successful academic progress. Current budget guidelines allow us to offer from 2 to 4 Dively Scholarships each fiscal year.
DAS will be taking applications for the 2013-2014 school year through August 5, 2013. Application materials may be downloaded here.
Bob Shawen Youth Ornithology Grant December 1999 Birding's for the kids!
The Dayton Audubon Society would like to help young folk learn more about those feathery creatures inhabiting schoolyards, land labs, and our own backyards in the Miami Valley.
The Bob Shawen Youth Ornithology Grant is designed to assist teachers and adult leaders in our membership area to get what they need to put together a birding program for elementary and secondary school-aged kids. Teachers, scout leaders, and other youth group coordinators are encouraged to hatch an idea and ask for financial assistance to make it happen!
Bird feeders? A bird blind for the land lab? Feed? Field guides? A guest speaker with slides to bring birds really up-close-and-personal? A curriculum that gets into the science of birds? We'd like to do what we can!
The Bob Shawen Youth Ornithology Grant, named after a long-time friend and chapter treasurer, was created in fall 1999 to advance birding among young people in the Dayton Audubon Society membership area.
The goal of this ornithology grant is to provide funds, materials, and/or speakers for elementary and secondary classrooms, youth groups, or field experience settings to promote knowledge of birds, their habits, and their habitats.
The amount of the grant is limited to $250 per request. More than one grant may be made annually, depending on available funds. Applicants will be interviewed before grants are determined. While not essential for grant approval, grant recipients will be asked to make a brief presentation at a chapter meeting outlining the impact of the grant on their program.
How to Apply
If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships or grants, either write, e-mail, or call:
Cindy and Jim Beckman
Projects and Memorials Chairpersons
3061 Clear Springs Road
Spring Valley, OH 45370
Phone 937-862-4505