Location and Directions
Germantown MetroPark is approximately 20 miles southwest of downtown Dayton. From the intersection of US 35 and I-75 in downtown Dayton, take I-75 south 7.9 miles to SR 725. Go right (west) on SR 725 10.7 miles through Germantown) to Conservancy Rd. Go right on Conservancy Rd. 1.1 miles to Creek Rd., then left on Creek Rd. 0.4 miles to the park entrance on the left. To go to a second entrance where the Nature Center is located, instead of turning off of SR 725 onto Conservancy Rd, continue west on SR 725 for 1.1 miles to Boomershine Rd. and turn right. Then go 1.0 miles to the park entrance and Nature Center on the right. For a map showing the location of Germantown MetroPark, see Five Rivers MetroPark Map.
Area Description and Habitat
This is a 1400-acre park, bisected by Twin Creek with flood plain forest along the stream. The western part of the park is open meadow. The rest of the park is made up of hills and valleys covered with mature beech and maple forest, and includes stands of evergreens and Red Cedars. Over ten miles of trails provide access to most areas of the park.
Species Found
The combination of mature upland and riparian woodlands, and open fields, attract many breeding species, including American Woodcock, Barred Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Brown Thrasher, and a good assortment of Wood-Warblers, including Northern Parula, Yellow-throated, Prairie, Cerulean, Louisiana Waterthrush, Kentucky, and Hooded. The large number of evergreens attract Red-breasted Nuthatches, Purple Finches, Pine Siskins, and an occasional Crossbill. Germantown MetroPark is one of the best places in the area to see Summer Tanagers.
Rare birds have included Northern Saw-whet Owl, Chuck-will's-widow, Loggerhead Shrike, Worm-eating Warbler, and Bobolink. During spring migration, it is easy to see/hear over 80 species in a few hours by starting at the Nature Center and including several different habitats in your walk.
Facilities and Other Information
Park roads are paved, and there are ample parking lots, picnic shelters and tables, rest rooms, and drinking fountains.
The Nature Center is underground, with a window for viewing birds and other wild animals that regularly visit the feeders provided by the staff.
Trails are marked with color-coded posts. Many trails are loops. Follow the same color posts and you will end your hike where you started.
A brochure with park information, including a map, is available at the Visitors Center.
Hours are 8 am to dusk daily. Closed Christmas and New Year's Day