Englewood MetroPark
Location and Directions
Englewood MetroPark is about 15.6 miles northwest of downtown Dayton. From the intersection of I-75 and U.S. 35, take I-75 north 10.0 miles to US 40, then go left (west) on US 40 for 5.6 miles to the first park entrance on the right, just before crossing the dam. To reach a second entrance that provides access to the west side of the park,continue 1.1 miles farther on US 40 to Lienesch Road and turn right. A third entrance will be found by continuing 0.7 miles farther on US 40 and turning right at the traffic light where US 40 turns left. (Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm is nearby). For a map showing the location of Englewood MetroPark, see Five Rivers MetroPark Map.
Area Description and Habitat
Created by damming the Stillwater River for flood control, this large (1900 acres) MetroPark includes a number of different habitats, including a lake, wetlands, riparian forest along the Stillwater River, stands of evergreens and cedars, woodlands, fields, and meadows. Depending on the rainfall in west-central Ohio, some years there are significant mudflats as the water levels gradually drop.
Species Found
Englewood MetroPark is an important stopping place for migrants, including cormorants, herons and egrets, waterfowl, gulls and terns, and, some years, shorebirds. During migration, it is possible to find a number of rarities, and very few years go by without the discovery of an unusual species. The list of breeding species is long, and includes most woodland species found in southwest Ohio. Rare birds have included Great, Snowy, and Cattle Egrets, Little Blue Herons, Tundra and Mute Swans, and Sandhill Cranes; as well as shorebirds including Piping Plover, American Avocet, Red Knot, and Red-necked and Wilson's Phalaropes. Northern Saw-whet Owls and Long-eared Owls are often found in the winter months in the cedars and evergreens northeast of the lake.
Facilities and Other Information
Englewood is a popular MetroPark with many opportunities for outdoor recreation, including disc golf, walking/hiking on over 12 miles of scenic trails, fishing, picnicking, canoeing, horseback riding, bicycling, cross-country skiing, sledding, skating and group camping (permit required for camping.)
Park roads are paved with paved parking areas.
Picnic shelters and tables are available. Drinking fountains and modern restrooms are located in various places in the park.
A public telephone is available at the park office. A brochure with park information, including a map, is available at park bulletin boards.
Hours are 8 am to dusk daily. Closed Christmas and New Year's day.
Restrooms, drinking water, public telephones, and playgrounds are available.
A User's Guide brochure, complete with map, is available at bulletin boards in the park.
Hours are 8 a.m. to dusk daily. Closed Christmas and New Year's Day.