Location and Directions
Aullwood Audubon Center & Farm is about 15.6 miles northwest of downtown Dayton. From the intersection of I-75 and U.S. 35, take I-75 north 10.0 miles to U.S.40, then go left (west) on U. S. 40 for 5.6 miles to the Center entrance on the left. (The entrance is directly across U.S.40 from the Englewood MetroPark entrance.) An entrance fee of $4.00 for adults (over 18) and $2.00 for children (2 to 18) is charged. (Friends of Aullwood and National Audubon Society members are admitte free.)
Area Description and Habitat
Aullwood Audubon Center & Farm is a regional nature center owned and operated by the National Audubon Society. Donated by Mrs. John W. Aull in 1957 to the NAS, the land is now used for nature and environmental education, as well as being maintained as a working farm. About 200 acres in size, Aullwood includes a tall grass prairie, extensive woodlands, evergreen groves, and several streams, marshy areas, and ponds. An excellent system of 5 miles of trails allow access throughout the refuge. The Aullwood staff and Friends of Aullwood (a community-based support group) maintain an excellent nature center facility, open to the public, including very active bird feeders which can be viewed from indoors through a large window.
Species Found
About 200 species of birds have been recorded at Aullwood since it was established. Both spring and fall provide excellent chances to catch many migrants on their journey through the refuge, including the rarely seen Golden-winged, Connecticut, and Mourning Warblers. Many common upland species nest at Aullwood, and an annual Breeding Bird Census is held in early June each year. The bird feeders maintained at the nature center can be an excellent place for observing winter finches.
Facilities and Other Information
An excellent nature book/gift shop is open to the public. Supported by both the the National Audubon Society and Friends of Aullwood,there are numerous opportunities to volunteer and "get involved". In addition to regular field trips to Aullwood by the Dayton Audubon Society, Aullwood maintains an active schedule of guided walks, as well as annual events. Winter is a time for Holiday Open House, a speaker series, Audubon Ark, and maple syrup. Spring events include woodcock watches, bird walks, wildflower walks, a prairie burn, and Flights of Fancy Festival. Summer offers honey harvest, firefly watch, and special farm programs. Fall events include Apple Fest, candle dipping, birdseed sale, prairie walks, and Enchanted Forest.
Aullwood Audubon Center & Farm is open all year from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The facility is closed on some holidays.
Drinking water, restrooms and maps are located in the Center Building.
Additional information may be obtained by visiting their website Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm and by calling the Administrative Office at (937) 890-7360.